Our principles:

Who we are?

Иконка стетоскоп
Иконка врач
Иконка рукопожатие
Иконка здоровье
Иконка медицинское обследование
"Help but do no harm" - successful treatment is preceded by a qualitative diagnosis and expert analysis of the situation with an exit from the field of given alternatives.

Total mutual trust: trust is like love - it is not easy to achieve, but easy to lose.

Network Partner National Medical Knowledge Base Public Association (NMKB)

Patient and physician working together against the disease: explaining, treating, collaborating. We treat the person, not the disease.

Patient-centeredness, including freedom from dogmas imposed by big pharma, medical manufacturers, and health officials.

Scientific and practical methods: we tell and argue why so. Artificial Intelligence as a tool, not a replacement for a doctor.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being! Modern advances in biomedicine make it possible to significantly compensate for the effects of negative factors on the human body, prolong its youth, support it in maturity and ensure good health and activity in old age. But this can only be achieved jointly: Man + Physician + the world's collective knowledge and technology.
A trusted network of physical and mental health professionals (doctors).
We help you to improve and maintain your health.
Иконка медаптечка
The procedure for providing services
In order to use the services of the Doctors' Network for the first time you should contact the person on duty or to a certain doctor and register in our service, giving your phone or e-mail, which will then be used as your login with the password you have set. Access to the service is possible through the WEB-interface (any browser) or through a mobile application installed on your smartphone.

In the future, you will be able to use your personal account with the same login for one year from the date of your last visit to the network's doctors' services free of charge. The functionality of the personal office is constantly being developed and will include free services to assess your health status and monitor key parameters with the help of intelligent agents. New requests to network doctors are charged according to the price list, and regular customers get discounts.

The basis of interaction between the doctor and the patient is correspondence and exchange of voice messages (if desired) in a special, secure messenger (similar to Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.). The messenger adds functionality that allows remote monitoring of patient indicators (smart agents), including the use of medical devices and remote monitoring devices.

By agreement with the attending physician, video/audio communication in a secure channel is possible. The main principle is that the patient writes when it is convenient for him/her, the doctor answers within the time limit (established by the terms of the contract), but also when it is convenient for the doctor. Thus, the patient has the opportunity to describe all the questions in detail and accompany them with the necessary documents and photos, and the doctor will carefully analyze the information provided and asking additional questions will conduct a telemedicine consultation in absentia or make recommendations on the need for an in-person visit and tell how to prepare for it for maximum effectiveness of the subsequent diagnosis and treatment.

Under the current contract, a physician can provide medical care using telemedicine technologies, observing the necessary restrictions defined by law. The most effective in this format is the management of patients with chronic diseases with a previously established diagnosis, rehabilitation and prevention of the onset of diseases, including counseling on healthy lifestyles, including nutrition, physical activity, psychological well-being and mental anxiety.

The analysis of the patient's condition and dynamic monitoring of his health status uses proven and currently available innovative developments using artificial intelligence and comprehensive analysis of human biomedical data. A personal biomedical chart, which includes all available and relevant data, is generated in a personal office if the client wishes, interpretations of their correlation are given, and a health chart is calculated.

Medical services are provided by partner clinics with medical licenses, the primary consultation is provided by LLC "Portal RAMS", license for medical activities № LO-77-01--11431 from 10.12.2015

User Agreement (Public Offer), which defines the procedure of using the Service